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Pitcairn Islands Study Center

"The Bounty Saga" Chronology

A Chronology of Events Relating to Bligh/Bounty/Pitcairn/Norfolk 

This chronology is the work of, and used by permission of, Butch Kerr, a student and researcher of “The Bounty Saga.”

Year Date What / Event Where Notes
1738 6/4 George III born London
1743 2/2 Joseph Banks born London
1754 9/9 William Bligh born Plymouth to Francis & Jane Bligh
1760 9/22

George III became King of England

1764 9/25

Fletcher Christian born - Cumberland

Moorland Close

to Charles & Ann Christian

1767 6/17

Tahiti discovered - Samuel Wallis

Tahiti In ship Dolphin
1767 7/2

Pitcairn Island discovered - Carteret

South Pacific

son of Maj. Pitcairn on Swallow

1768 8/25

Capt Cook departs in Endeavor


first Cook voyage of discovery

1769 4/13

Capt Cook arrives for first time

Tahiti Matavia Bay
1770 7/27

Bligh enters active Naval Service


HMS Hunter - 10 gun sloop - as AB

1771 7/13 Capt Cook returns in Endeavor London

first Cook discovery voyage

1771 2/4 Bligh promoted to Midshipman in HMS Hunter
1771 9/22 Bligh departed HMS Hunter
1771 9/22 Bligh to HMS Crescent London 36 guns - Midshipman
1772 7/13 Capt Cook departs in Resolution London second Cook discovery voyage
1774 9/2 Bligh departs HMS Crescent London
1774 9/2 Bligh on HMS Ranger London as AB
1774 10/3 Norfolk Island discovered Norfolk Is. by Capt Cook in Resolution
1775 7/29 Capt Cook returns in Resolution London second Cook discovery voyage
1775 9/30 Bligh appointed Midshipman London on HMS Ranger
1776 3/20 Bligh to Master HMS Resolution London Captain James Cook
1776 5/1 Bligh passed the Lieutenants exam
1776 7/14 Cook sails on 3rd voyage - Resolution Plymouth Bligh is sailing master
1779 2/14 Captain James Cook killed Hawaii  
1780 10/4 Resolution/Bligh return to England Nore Bligh as navigator
1781 2/4 Bligh marries Elizabeth Betham Conchan Parish Betsy from Douglas
1781 2/14 Bligh appointed Master / Belle Poule London fought at Dogger Bank
1781 9/5 Bligh transferred from Belle Poule London
1781 9/6 Bligh transferred to HMS Berwick London Capt John Fergusson - 74 guns
1781 10/5 Bligh promoted to Lieutenant
1781 12/31 Bligh departed HMS Berwick London
1782 1/1 Bligh arrives HMS Princess Amelia Fifth Lieutenant - 80 guns
1782 3/19 Bligh departs HMS Princess Amelia after battle of Dogger Park
1782 3/20 Bligh served on HMS Cambridge Jr. Lieutenant - also w/F Christian
1783 1/13 Bligh departed HMS Cambridge London went to 1/2 pay
1783 4/25 Fletcher Christian to HMS Eurydice Spithead as Midn- Capt George Courtney
1783 6/4 Bligh took command of Lynx Jamaica trade merchant - for Duncan Campbell
1784 Bethia built in Hull, England Hull a merchant collier
Bligh took command of Camrbian Jamaica trade merchant - for Duncan Campbell
1785 Bligh took command of Britannia Jamaica trade merchant - Duncan Campbell
1785 Britannia departs England to Jamaica Bligh is Capt with F. Christian
1785 Britannia arrives in England from Jamaica F. Christian is gunner
1787 Britannia departs England to Jamaica Capt Bligh / F Christian 2nd mate
1787 5/13 FIrst Fleet sails Portsmouth Capt Arthur Phillip - to Australia
1787 5/23 Bethia purchased by Admiralty Deptford Renamed Bounty
1787 8/2 Britannia arrives in England Portsmouth Bligh Capt - with F. Christian
1787 8/6 Bligh informed of Bounty command London by Campbell - letter to Banks
1787 8/16 Bligh appointed to command Bounty London
1787 9/3 Bounty out of shipyard dock Deptford Bounty then refitted
1787 10/9 Bounty sailed down the Thames Longbeach Loaded guns and ammo
1787 12/23 Bounty departs from England Spithead Breadfruit mission, with 46 men
1788 1/6 Bounty arrives at Canary Island Teneriffe resupply
1788 1/12 Bounty departs Canary Island Teneriffe
1788 1/26 Sydney, Australia, founded Sydney FIrst Fleet - Capt Phillip
1788 Feb Norfolk Island Penal Colony founded Norfolk Island First Fleet 
1788 3/2 Fletcher Christian promoted to LT at sea 3 watches vice 2 on Bounty
1788 3/11 Matthew Quintal - 24 lashes at sea insolence/contempt to Fryer
1788 3/28 Start of attempt to round Cape Horn Cape Horn brutal weather for Bounty
1788 4/22 Bounty turns for Africa Cape Horn Bligh thanks crew
1788 5/24 Bounty arrives at Cape Town Cape Town resupply
1788 5/24 John Williams - 6 lashes Cape Town neglect in having the lead
1788 7/1 Bounty departs Cape Town Cape Town resupplied
1788 8/21 Bounty arrives at Adventure Bay Tasmania
1788 10/9 James Valentine dies - Bounty AB at sea asthma, and was bled
1788 10/19 W. Brown / J. Mills grog stopped at sea refusing to dance/exercise
1788 10/26 Bounty arrives in Tahiti Matavia Bay to collect breadfruit
1788 11/2 Breadfruit tent/store party setup Tahiti 9 Bounty crew - to collect plants
1788 11/3 John Adams - 12 lashes Tahiti allowed grudgeon to be stolen
1788 12/5 Matthew Thompson - 12 lashes Tahiti for insolence - disobey orders
1788 12/9 Bounty Surgeon John Huggan died Tahiti alcohol poisoning
Thomas Ledward appointed surgeon Tahiti
1788 12/27 William Mugspratt - 12 lashes Tahiti neglect of duty
Year Date What / Event Where Notes
1789 1/5 Bounty men deserted in the cutter Tahiti Churchill, Muspratt, Millward
1789 1/6 Midn Haywood confined in irons Tahiti was watch officer - 3 deserted
1789 1/17 Bounty sails found mildewed/rotted Tahiti new sails in storage
1789 1/23 Bounty deserters apprehended Tahiti With help from Tahitians
1789 1/24 Bounty deserters punished Tahiti Church. 12, Musp. 24, Mill. 24
1789 1/30 Isaac Martin - 19 lashes Tahiti for striking a Tahitian
1789 2/4 2nd flogging for 3 Bounty deserters Tahiti Church. 12, Musp. 24, Mill. 24
1789 2/6 Bounty anchor line cut Tahiti cause/person never determined
1789 3/2 Breadfruit collection completed Tahiti loaded onboard Bounty
1789 4/4 Bounty departs Tahiti Tahiti 1015 breadfruit plants
1789 4/22 Bounty anchors at Nomuka Friendly Island for water - Natives a problem
1789 4/26 Bounty departs Nomuka Friendly Island Bligh angry
1789 4/28 Mutiny on the Bounty South Pacific Ocean
1789 4/29 Bligh/launch to shore Tofua 23' launch - 19 men
1789 5/2 John Norton died - Quartermaster Tofua Killed by Tofuans
1789 5/2 Bligh/launch depart Tofua Tofua Start of boat voyage
1789 5/28 Bligh/launch arrive Restoration Island New Holland
1789 5/30 Bligh/launch depart Restoration Island New Holland
1789 5/31 Bligh/launch on Sunday Island New Holland confrontation with Purcell
1789 5/28 Bounty arrives Tubai with mutineers Tubuai at anchor to explore island
1789 6/6 Bounty depart Tubuai with mutineers Tubuai to Tahiti
1789 6/14 Bounty launch/Bligh arrive Timor Coupang 3618 miles
1789 6/16 Bounty depart Tahiti with mutineers Matavia Bay
1789 6/23 Bounty arrive Tubuai with mutineers Tubuai to set up colony
1789 7/20 David Nelson died Coupang purchased the schooner
1789 9/12 Bounty departs Tubuai Tubuai to Tahiti / failed colony
1789 9/23 Bounty departs Tahiti w/9 mutineers Matavia Bay last time in Tahiti - 16 stayed
1789 10/1 Bligh/Bounty crew arrive in Batavia Batavia in schooner Resource
1789 10/10 Resource and launch sold Batavia
1789 10/16 Bligh departs Batavia in Vlydte Batavia with John Samuel & John Smith
1789 William Elphinstone died Batavia  masters mate
1789 Peter Linkletter died Batavia Quartermaster
1789 Robert Lamb AB/butcher died at sea enroute from Batavia to England
1789 Thomas Ledward died - act surgeon at sea - ship Welfare? "Not heard from"
1789 12/16 Bligh arrives at Cape of Good Hope Table Bay in Dutch ship Vlydte
1790 1/2 Bligh departs Cape of Good Hope Table Bay in Vlydte with Samuel & Smith
1790 1/15 Bounty arrives in Pitcairn Pitcairn Island new settlement established
1790 1/23 Bounty is burned Pitcairn Island now "Bounty Day" on Pitcairn
1790 3/14 Bligh arrives in England from Batavia  Portsmouth Isle of Wight boat from Vlydte
1790 3/16 Bligh formally reports Bounty mutin London to the Admiralty
1790 4/? Charles Churchill died Tahiti murdered by Matthew Thompson
1790 4/? Matthew Thompson died - AB Tahiti murdered by a Tahitian
1790 7/1 Bligh book 'Narrative' is published London FIrst of Bounty books - G. Nichol
1790 10/22 Bligh court martialed for Bounty loss Spithead exonerated - HMS Royal William
1790 11/7 HMS Pandora departs England Spithead Captain Edward Edwards
1790 11/14 Bligh to HMS Falcon - Captain London 14 gun sloop
1790 12/15 Bligh to HMS Medea - Captain London
1790   Fahoutu fell collecting eggs & died Pitcairn William's wife - first Pitcairn death
1790 10/? Thursday October Christian born Pitcairn first born on Pitcairn
1790 12/15 Bligh promoted to Post Captain London
1791 3/23 HMS Pandora arrives in Tahiti Tahiti 14 Bounty crew taken prisoners
1791 4/16 Bligh to Captain HMS Providence London
1791 5/8 HMS Pandora departs from Tahiti Tahiti 14 Bounty crew in a cage
1791 8/3 HMS Providence/Assistant Bligh sail Portsmouth on 2nd breadfruit voyage
1791 8/28 HMS Pandora wreck Great Barrier Reef another boat voyage to Timor
1791 8/28 Henry Hillbrant died - Cooper Great Barrier Reef Pandora wreck
1791 8/28 Richard Skinner died - AB Great Barrier Reef Pandora wreck
1791 8/28 John Sumner died - AB Great Barrier Reef Pandora wreck
1791 8/28 George Stewart died - AB midshipman Great Barrier Reef Pandora wreck
1791 9/17 HMS Pandora boats arrive in Timor Coupang 10 Bounty crewman
1791 Puarei/Obuarei died - date unknown Pitcairn Adams first consort - from Tahiti
1791 4/10 Providence/Assistant Bligh arrive Tahiti 2nd breadfruit collection
1792 6/18 Bounty/Pandora crew arrive in England Spithead 10 Bounty crew / HMS Gorgon
1792 7/1 Bligh's book 'Voyage' published London by G. Nichol - 2nd Bounty book
1792 7/20 Providence/Assistant Bligh depart Tahiti with breadfruit for Jamaica
1792 8/12 Court Martial of mutineers begins Portsmouth HMS Duke - 10 Bounty crewman
1792 8/18 Court martial of mutineers ends Portsmouth HMS Duke
1792 10/29 Burkitt, Ellison, Millward hanged Spithead HMS Brunswick
Year Date What / Event Where Notes
1793 1/27 Providence/Assistant Bligh arrive Jamaica deliver breadfruit
1793 6/17 Providence/Assistant Bligh depart Jamaica after service against France
1793 Nancy given to Williams Pitcairn start of the rebellion
1793 8/1 Talaloo/Tararo died - Raiatean Pitcairn killed by Menalee
1793 8/2 Ohu/Uhuu died - Tubuain Pitcairn killed by Menalee
1793 9/3 Providence/Assistant Bligh arrive England at Deptford 8/7 - Bligh to 1/2 pay
1793 9/20 Fletcher Christian died Pitcairn killed by Tahitian men
1793 9/20 Wiliiam Brown died Pitcairn killed/ b. England 1762
1793 9/20 John Mills died Pitcairn killed/ b. Scotland 1750
1793 9/20 Isaac Martin died Pitcairn killed/ b. USA 1758
1793 9/20 John Williams died Pitcairn killed/ b. England 1765
1793 9/28 Timoa/Teimau died - Tahitian Pitcairn killed by Menalee
1793 10/1 Menalee/Minarii died 0 Tahitian Pitcairn killed by McCoy
1793 10/4 Nehow/Niau died 0 Tahitian Pitcairn killed by Young
1793 10/4 Tetaheite/Taroamiva died - Tubuain Pitcairn killed by Susan
1794 5/1 Minutes of Bounty court martial Portsmouth published by Stephen Barney
1794 5/14 Appendix to court martial Minutes Portsmouth published by Edward Christian
1794 12/3 Bligh Answer to Christian Appendix London published by Bligh/G. Nichol
1795 Short Reply to Bligh's Answer London published by Edward Christian
1795 4/30 Bligh to command - HMS Calcutta 24 guns
1796 1/7 Bligh departs HMS Calcutta
1796 1/7 Bligh to command - HMS Director 64 guns
1797 4/16 Mutiny at Spithead Spithead Mutiny 4/16 to 5/15
1797 5/12 Mutiny at the Nore London Mutiny 5/12 to 6/13
1797 5/19 Bligh ordered off of HMS Director Sheerness Mutiny at the Nore
1797 6/16 Bligh returned to HMS Director Sheerness then to Camperdown Battle
1798 William McCoy died Pitcairn suicide - drunk/ b. 1763 Scotland
1798 John Hallet died - midshipman at sea HMS Penelope sinking
1798 4/? Thomas Hayward died 0 midshipman at sea HMS Swift sinking
1799 Tevarua/Big Sully/Sarah died Pitcairn Quintal consort
1799 Matthew Quintal killed Pitcairn by Adams and Young/ b. 1766
1800 7/3 Bligh departed HMS Director London shore leave in London
1800 12/25 Edward Young died - midshipman Pitcairn of asthma/ b. 1762 W.I.
1801 3/13 Bligh command of HMS Glatton Yarmouth Battle of Copenhagen
1801 4/13 Bligh departed HMS Glatton Copenhagen thanked by Nelson
1801 4/13 Bligh to command of HMS Monarch Copenhagen 74 guns - appoint by Adam Parker
1801 5/7 Bligh departed HMS Monarch Nore
1801 5/8 Bligh command of HMS Irresistible Nore 74 guns
1801 5/21 Bligh elected Fellow, Royal Society London
1801 5/28 Bligh departed HMS Irresistable London stood down - 1/2 pay
1804 5/2 Bligh to command - HMS Warrior Plymouth
1805 2/25 Bligh court martial started HMS San Josef re Warrior - Lt Frazier
1805 2/26 Bligh court martial concluded Torbay Bligh reprimanded/admonished
1805 2/26 Bligh returned to Warrior Portsmouth as Commanding Officer
1805 4/29 Bligh appointed Governor of NSW London
1806 2/20 Bligh departs England for NSW London HMS Porpoise Lady Sinclair
1806 8/8 Bligh arrives in NSW as governor Sydney became governor 8/14
1807 James Morrison died/masters mate at sea gunner - HMS Bienhiem
1808 1/26 Bligh deposed as governor of NSW Sydney Rum Rebellion
1808 2/6 Capt Folger rediscovers Pitcairn Island Pitcairn in American sealer Topaz
1809 5/14 Admiralty notified - Bounty at Pitcairn London news via Brazil - Lt Fitzmarice
1810 5/12 Bligh departs NSW Sydney in HMS Hindostan
1810 10/25 Bligh arrives in England from NSW Spithead then Bligh to London
1810 Mareva died Pitcairn  Manarii/Teimua/Niau-Adams
1810 Yeatuahitea died Pitcairn Brown consort
1811 7/31 Bligh promoted to Rear Admiral London flag never broken at sea
1812 4/15 Bligh's wife Elizabeth died Lambeth buried at Lambeth
1814 6/4 Bligh promoted to Vice Admiral London at his home
1814 9/17 Capts Pipon & Stains arrive Pitcairn Pitcairn HMS Tagus & Briton
1817 5/26 John Fryer died - Bounty Master Norfolk UK Wells next to the sea
1817 10/17 American ship Sultan visit Pitcairn Pitcairn Capt Caleb Reynolds
1817 10/19 Jenny departed Pitcairn to Tahiti Pitcairn on American ship Sultan
1817 12/7 Bligh died of cancer London buried at Lambeth
1819 1/18 British ship Hercules arrives at Pitcairn Pitcairn Capt Henderson - brought books
1819 3/2 American ship Elizabeth arrives Pitcairn Capt Henry King
1819 3/5 American whaler Stanton arrives Pitcairn Capt Burtch
1819 7/17 Jenny interview published Sydney in Sydney Gazette
1820 1/29 King George III died London Windsor Castle
1820 6/19 Sir Joseph Banks died London Spring Grove - Islewoth
1821 4/23 English ship Surry arrives Pitcairn Pitcairn Capt Thomas Raine
1822 3/8 American whaler Russell arrives Pitcairn CDR Frederic Arthur
1823 12/10 English whaler Cyrus arrives Pitcairn Master John Hall
1823 12/10 John Buffett/John Evans arrived Pitcairn on Ship Cyrus from London


Year Date What / Event Where Notes
1825 12/5 HMS Blossom visited Pitcairn Pitcairn Capt Beechey
1826 3/7 Sarah/Sully died - Chas Christian wife Pitcairn Teio's baby from Tahiti
1826 12/14 Jane Quintal departed Pitcairn Pitcairn Ship Lovely Ann-Capt Blythe
1828 11/5 George Hunn Nobbs arrived Pitcairn with Noah Bunker in small boat
1829 3/5 John Adams died Pitcairn Buried on Pitcairn/ b. 1763 London
1829 3/14 Teio/Mary died Pitcairn John Adams wife - blind
1831 2/10 Peter Heywood died - Post Captain England after distinguished naval career
1831 3/7 Pitcairners move to Tahiti from Pitcairn via Lucy Ann Comet
1831 3/21 Pitcairners arrive in Tahiti from Pitcairn via Lucy Ann & Comet
1831 4/21 Thursday October Christian died Tahiti first born on Pitcairn
1831 4/29 Vahineatua/Prudence died Tahiti Mills/Adams consort
1831 6/9 Toowhaiti/Nancy died Tahiti Tararo/Williams/Young consort
1831 6/27 1st Pitcairners back to Pitcairn from Tahiti via Courier de Bordeaux
1831 9/3 Last Pitcairners back to Pitcairn from Tahiti via Am whaler Charles Doggett
Tehuteatuaonoa/Jenny died Tahiti Adams/Martin consort
1832 10/28 Joshua Hill arrived Pitcairn via barque Maria from Tahiti
1834 3/10 William Purcell died - Carpenter England Last of Bounty crew - in asylum
1837 12/9 Joshua Hill departs Pitcairn Pitcairn via HMS Imogene/ Capt Bruce
1838 11/29 Pitcairn became British Colony Pitcairn HMS Fly - Capt Russell Elliott
1838 11/29 Edward Quintal 1st Chief Magistrate Pitcairn election supervised by Elliott
1841 9/14 Mauatua/Maimiti died Pitcairn Christian/Young consort
1850 7/15 Teraura/Teopiti/Susannah died Pitcairn Young/Quintal/T.O. Christian
1856 5/2 Pitcairners move to Norfolk Island Pitcairn via HMS Morayshire 194 poeple
1856 6/8 Pitcairners arrive at Norfolk Island Norfolk Island on HMS Morayshire
1858 3/15 Wild Wave crew - Capt Knowles arrive Pitcairn in boat from wreck on Oeno Island
1859 1/17 1st Pitcairners back to Pitcairn from Norfolk Island via brig Mary Ann
1863 12/18 2nd Pitcairners back to Pitcairn from Norfolk Island via ship St Kilda
1884 11/6 George Hunn Nobbs died Norfolk Island
1891 5/5 John Buffett died Norfolk Island
1891 12/30 John Evans died Norfolk Island
1886 10/18 John Tay arrives via sloop Pelican Pitcairn Seventh-day Adventist layman
1890 11/25 Schooner Pitcairn arrives Pitcairn with John Tay & SDA Minister
1892 1/8 John Tay died Suva, Fiji born 1831 - USA


This extensive chronology is the work of, and used by permission of, Butch Kerr, a long-time student and researcher of “The Bounty Saga.”

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