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Nursing & Allied Health

Use the sources listed here to get started on research in Nursing & Allied Health. When you need more help, ask for a reference librarian at the front desk in the library or contact the subject specialist, Patrick Benner

Citation Generators

Use these to create correctly formatted single citations on the fly in many style formats.

  • ZoteroBib Citaton Generator for MLA, APA, Chicago, Turabian, and many more
  • EasyBib This is a free bibliography creator and citation guide for MLA, APA, Chicago, and Turabian


APA Style Guides

Each professor may have different requirements for how you cite your sources so be sure to check for what is expected.


Citation & Bibliography Managers

There are a number of apps that will help you organize and format all of your citations and integrate them with your research paper. Some are paid commercial software and some are free. Here is the tool that Pacific Union College is recommending to students:

  • Zotero A free, easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organize, cite, and share research.