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Pinker, Aron. "A Dream of a dream in Daniel 2." Jewish Bible Quarterly. Vol. 33 Issue 4, (Oct-Dec 2005): 231-240. This article discusses the prophetic nature of Daniel in relation to his interpretations of the dreams of Nebuchadnezzar II as depicted in the chapter 2 of the Book of Daniel in the Jewish Bible. Revelation of the mystery of the dreams to Daniel at night by God; Reference of Daniel in the Talmud as a wise man of the people and not a prophet; Validity of the story and its message to the readers.
Rindge, Matthew S. Jewish Identity under Foreign Rule: Daniel 2 as a Reconfiguration of Genesis 41. Journal of Biblical Literature. Vol. 129 Issue 1, (Spring 2010): 85-104. The article presents a literary criticism of the Old Testament book of Daniel, examining its allusions to the book of Genesis in its depiction of Jewish identity in exile under the rule of foreign nations. The author suggests that the passage of Daniel 2 reconfigures the archetype of Joseph as seen in Genesis 41. Literary and intertextual similarities between the two chapters are given along with specific analysis of their discrepancies.
Segal, Michael. "From Joseph to Daniel: The Literary Development of the Narrative in Daniel 2." Vetus Testamentum. Vol. 59, Fasc. 1 (2009): 123-149. The article explores parallels between Daniel 2, Daniel 5, and Genesis 41. The appendix of the article discusses literary and historical context as well as the relationship between the description of God in 2:21 and Antiochus IV Epiphanes in Daniel 7.
Wallace, Ronald. "Tyrant, Kingdom, and Church: A Sermon on Daniel, Chapter 2." Interpretation: A journal of bible & theology; Vol. 15 Issue: 4 (October 1961): 431-438. This is the text of a sermon about Daniel 2, broken into three thematic sections.
Avalos, Hector I. "The Comedic Function of the Enumerations of Officials and Instruments in Daniel 3." The Catholic Biblical Quarterly. 53, no. 4 (10, 1991): 580. It is argued that the enumerations in the Book of Daniel, and those in chapter three in particular, are an integral technique in the author's satire on pagan culture and behavior. Furthermore, Henri Bergson's view of comedy provides a very plausible explanation for the function of iterations of enumerations in Daniel 3.
Ron, Zvi. "Rescue from fiery death: Daniel chapter 3 and Genesis chapter 38." Jewish Bible Quarterly, 41 no 1 (Jan - Mar 2013): 24-27. This article explores how Daniel 3 and Genesis 38 function as literary parallels.
Shea, William. "Daniel 3: extra-biblical texts and the convocation on the Plain of Dura." Andrews University Seminary Studies. vol. 20 n.1, (Spring 1982): 29-52. Shea explores the events on the Plain of Dura from a historical, Babylonian perspective.
Hilton, Michael. "Babel Reversed--Daniel Chapter 5." Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, 66 (Jun 1995): 99-112. This is an article about the place of Daniel 5 in the two-part structure of the book.
Polaski, Donald C. “ ‘Mene, Mene, Tekel, Parsin’: Writing and Resistance in Daniel 5 and 6.” Journal of Biblical Literature. Vol. 123 Issue 4, (Winter 2004): 649-669. Investigates writing and power in the book of Daniel through the examination of Daniel chapters 5 and 6. Probable meaning that the writers of Daniel wish to convey in characterizing Daniel as a Jewish scribe; Use of literary techniques in exploring the stories in Daniel 5 and 6 concerning writing and power; Story of Belshazzar as connected to that of Nebuchadnezzar in the book.
Shea, William H. "Further literary structures in Daniel 2-7: an analysis of Daniel 5, and the broader relationships within chapters 2-7." Andrews University Seminary Studies, 23 no 3 (1985): 277-295. The suggestion of this study is that Dan 5 was written in chiastic form with five main blocs distributed in an A:B:C:B:A pattern. Belshazzar's speech in vss. 13b-16a constitutes the central bloc, and it is joined to the blocs that precede it and follow it by literary seams found in vss. 12b-13a and 16b-17 respectively. A number of elements correspond between these blocs and in some cases they are given in reverse order. Along with the balancing chiasm of Dan 4, this narrative fits into the overall chiastic structure for Dan 2-7 that has previously been identified by Lenglet.
Shea, William H. "Nabonidus, Belshazzar, and the book of Daniel: an update." Andrews University Seminary Studies, vol. 20 no. 2, (Summer 1982): 133-149. Shea discusses the historical record and how extrabiblical sources document the people present in Daniel chapter 5.
Wolters, Al. "Untying the king's knots: physiology and wordplay in Daniel 5." Journal of Biblical Literature. Vol. 110 Issue 1, (Spring 1991): 117-123. The article presents a critical examination of the physiology and wordplay seen in chapter 5 of the Old Testament Book of Daniel in the Bible. Topics addressed include comments on the story of Belshazzar's feast and the handwriting on the wall and the stylistic, graphic description of the king's terror detailing four bodily manifestations of fear.
Butler, Sylvester M. "The little horn of the beast of Daniel 7." Advent Review and Sabbath Herald. vol. 94 (March 22, 1917): 6-8. This early Adventist article discusses the connection between the prophecy in Daniel 7 and the Catholic church.
Kuhn, Karl. "The 'One like a Son of Man' becomes the 'Son of God.'" The Catholic Bible Quarterly. Vol. 69, no. 1 (January 2007): 22-42. Kuhn connects passages from Daniel 7 with Luke 1 to draw connections between the "one like a son of man" and Jesus in the Gospels.TheOnelikeaSonofManBecomestheSonofGodbyKuhn.pdf
Schmidt, Nathaniel. "The 'Son of Man' in the book of Daniel." Journal of Biblical Literature. Vol. 19, no. 1 (1900): 22-28. Schmidt looks at how various bible authors interpreted the figure of a man in Daniel 7 as the Messiah. TheSonofManintheBookofDanielbySchmidt.pdf
Shea, William. "The Neo-Babylonian historical setting for Daniel 7." Andrews University Seminary Studies. vol. 24 n.1, (Spring 1986): 31-36. Shea discusses the history, context, and time-line of the events of Daniel 7.
Shepherd, Michael B. "Daniel 7:13 and the New Testament Son of Man." Westminster Theological Journal. Vol. 68 Issue 1, (Spring 2006): 99-111. The article investigates the origin of the phrase, son of man, in the Book of Daniel, Chapter 7, Verse 13. The problems posed by the messianic interpretation of the phrase for understanding the relationship between the Book of Daniel and the New Testament are examined. The article also analyzes the composition of Daniel 7. The interpretation of the phrase in the Book of Daniel as an individual and messianic figure is explained.
McLain, Charles E. "Daniel's prayer in chapter 9." Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal. 9 (2004): 265-301. The scope of this article is Daniel’s prayer (9:1–19), which not only precedes the prophetic conclusion of this chapter (9:24–27) but also introduces that prophecy. The purpose of this study is to investigate the interpretation and significance of Daniel’s prayer as a foundation for understanding the prophecy of this chapter. Consequently, this study will provide an interpretation of Daniel’s prayer in light of its linguistic, literary, and rhetorical features. Based on this study, considerations for the interpretation of the concluding prophecy will be proposed.
Nel, Marius. "Daniel 9 as Part of an Apocalyptic Book?" Verbum Et Ecclesia. 34, no. 1 (2013): 1-8. Daniel 9 relates how Daniel studies the Hebrew Holy Scriptures and finds the prophecy of Jeremiah that Jerusalem will lie desolate for seventy years. He reacts by devoting himself to prayer and fasting in order to remind God of this promise of restoring his people. Tire better part of the chapter is dedicated to the contents of his prayer. During the prayer, the man, Gabriel, appears with the intent to give Daniel an understanding of the meaning of the seventy years, which is the measure of the punishment of Israel's transgression and sin and which will end with eternal righteousness, when the Holy of Holies will be anointed. Tire Book of Daniel consists of two sections: the tales of the first six chapters and the visions of the last six chapters. This article asked the question: what role does Daniel 9 play as a part of the apocalyptic section of the book? Is Daniel's prayer and Gabriel's revelation apocalyptically conditioned? Wiry did the author or compiler include it in the book and, especially, in the second, apocalyptic section of the book? Tire conclusion of this article was that Daniel 9 was placed intentionally by the compiler in the latter half of the book because of the revelation about the seventy weeks, which is in line with the last three chapters' indication of the end times and Israel's elevation to become the ruler of the earth. Several arguments were formulated to support this conclusion.
Shea, William. "Poetic relations of the time periods in Daniel 9:25." Andrews University Seminary Studies. vol. 18 no. 1, (Spring 1980): 59-63. Shea discusses different translations of the prophetic chapters of Daniel, and he presents the theory that 9:25 is best interpreted through the lens of Hebrew poetry.
Heiks, Heidi. "The King of the North: Part 1." Our Firm Foundation. v.23 (January 2008): 14-21. This is part 1 of an 8-part series of articles about the King of the North. To find the rest of the article series, search the Seventh-day Adventist Periodical Index by the author's name or by the keywords "Daniel 11."
Neufeld, Donald Frank. "Light on Daniel 11." Advent Review and Sabbath Herald. Vol. 153. (July 8, 1976): 9-10. Neufeld discusses Adventist interpretations of the prophecies of Daniel 11.
Niskanen, Paul. "Daniel's Portrait of Antiochus IV: Echoes of a Persian King." Catholic Biblical Quarterly. Vol. 66 Issue 3, (July 2004): 378-386. Presents an analysis of the character of King Antiochus IV in the Book of Daniel. Characteristics of Antiochus; Confusion on the history and fiction in Daniel chapter 11; Basis for the characterization of Antiochus; Parallels between the Cambyses of Herodotus and the Antiochus of Daniel; Similarities between the death of Daniel's Antiochus and Herodotus' Cambyses.
Mercer, Mark K. "Daniel 1:1 and Jehoiakim's three years of servitude." Andrews University Seminary Studies. Vol. 27, no. 3. (Autumn 1989): 179-192. This paper explores the historical record as it pertains to the seige of Jerusalem in Daniel 1.
Shaffer, Jeremy C. "A Cohesive Theology of Christian Living: Principles from the Book of Daniel." Order No. 3453855, Liberty University, 2011. The propensity to force preconceived ideologies and theological systems upon the interpretation of the book of Daniel is evident. The purpose of this project is to provide a proper interpretation of Daniel 1-6 so that proper applications can be made for preaching and teaching, trying to eliminate any preconceptions along the way that are forced upon the text. A six-part theology of Christian living is developed from the preaching outlines of each chapter, all connected to the book’s theme of sovereignty and thereby forming a cohesive unit. Ultimately, a greater appreciation for the value of the Old Testament in Christian living is at the core of this project.
Shea, William. "History and Eschatology in the Book of Daniel." Journal of the Adventist Theological Society. vol. 8 no. 1-2, (1997): 195-205. Daniel is something of a bipolar book. Its first six chapters cluster around the history of the Neo-Babylonian empire and the early Persian rule in Babylon. The last six chapters of the book give an apocalyptic outline that ends with the great eschatological climax. Thus it is appropriate to examine both subjects in a survey of Daniel. Shea's approach is threefold. First, history on its own terms, then the link between history and eschatology, and finally, eschatology on its own terms.
Hays, Christopher B. "Chirps from the Dust: The Affliction of Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 4:30 in its Ancient Near Eastern Context." Journal of Biblical Literature. Vol. 126 Issue 2, (Summer 2007): 305-325. This article describes Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon's trials with God in Daniel 4. Animal imagery, the idea of Nebuchadnezzar's madness and the complexity of the chapter's imagery are discussed. Ancient Mesopotamian underworld figures, Near Eastern cultures and Daniel 4:30 are evaluated for their use of animal imagery. The article also provides commentary on rainfall and its association with supernatural affliction.
Shea, William. "Further literary structures in Daniel 2-7: an analysis of Daniel 4." Andrews University Seminary Studies. vol. 23 n.2, (Spring 1985): 193-202. Shea discusses the chiastic structure that surrounds Daniel 4 and 5 and explains how the internal structure of chapter 4 fits the overall narrative.
Polaski, Donald C. “ ‘Mene, Mene, Tekel, Parsin’: Writing and Resistance in Daniel 5 and 6.” Journal of Biblical Literature. Vol. 123 Issue 4, (Winter 2004): 649-669. Investigates writing and power in the book of Daniel through the examination of Daniel chapters 5 and 6. Probable meaning that the writers of Daniel wish to convey in characterizing Daniel as a Jewish scribe; Use of literary techniques in exploring the stories in Daniel 5 and 6 concerning writing and power; Story of Belshazzar as connected to that of Nebuchadnezzar in the book.
Shea, William. "Darius the Mede: an update." Andrews University Seminary Studies. vol. 20 no. 3, (Autumn 1982): 229-147. Shea discusses biblical and historical data about Daniel 5, and he explains various attempts to identify Darius the Mede
Shea, William. "A further note on Daniel 6: Daniel as governor." Andrews University Seminary Studies. vol. 21 n.2, (Summer 1983): 169-171. Shea explores and presents extrabiblical evidence that might help explain Daniel's position in the government of Babylon during the Persian period.
Shea, William. "The search for Darius the Mede (concluded), or, the time of the answer to Daniel's prayer and the date of the death of Darius the Mede." Journal of the Adventist Theological Society. vol. 12, no. 1, (Spring 2001): 97-105. Shea revises a previously held interpretation of the historical identity of Darius the Mede. He presents historical evidence.
Kirkpatrick, Larry. "The last generation and Daniel 8:14." Adventist Today. V17 (Spring 2009): 12-14. This article discusses the connection between Seventh-day Adventism and Daniel 8:14.
Pröbstle, Martin T. "Truth and terror: a text-oriented analysis of Daniel 8:9-14." July 2006. This dissertation was written for the Andrews University SDA Theological Seminary. Pröbstle examines rhetorical and stylistic devices in Daniel 8 and the links between that chapter and the rest of Daniel.
Richards, Kenneth. "Daniel 8 and 9: the way I see them now." Adventist Today. V14 (Nov-Dec 2006): 16-17, 22. Richards discusses the prophecies of Daniel 8 and 9 and gives a personal response to what his studies show them to mean.
Leatherman, Donn W. "Adventist interpretation of Daniel 10-12: a diagnosis and prescription." Journal of the Adventist Theological Society. Vol. 7 no. 1, (Spring 1996): 120-140. Leatherman begins with a history of Adventist interpretations of Daniel and leads into the diversity of interpretations of the last three chapters of the book. He explores Daniel 11:29-45 at depth.
Shea, William. "Wrestling with the Prince of Persia: a study on Daniel 10." Andrews University Seminary Studies. vol. 21, no. 3, (Autumn 1983): 225-250. Shea chronologically studies the dates given in chapter 10 and looks for connections to what follows in chapter 11.
Pfandl, Gerhard. "Adventists and Daniel 12." Perspective Digest. v.15 (Feb/Mar 2010): 54-57. Pfandl discusses the variations in Adventist interpretations of the prophecies of Daniel 12; did they take place in the past, or do they refer to the future?
Stele, Artur. "Resurrection in Daniel 12 and its contribution to the theology of the book of Daniel" (1996). This dissertation was written for the Andrews University SDA Theological Seminary. It is not available via full-text, but it is in the library.