PUC Library Laptop Borrower Agreement
This Agreement must be completed and kept on file in the Library. It will be valid for the duration of the user's current library patron account.
Please read and initial each statement:
_____ A current PUC ID card must be presented at the time of each borrowing.
_____ I understand that all laptops and related equipment are the property of Pacific Union College.
_____ I certify that I am a currently enrolled student, faculty, or staff member of Pacific Union College with a valid library patron account in good standing.
_____ I will never leave the laptop unattended or loan it to another party.
_____ I understand that PUC is not responsible for any lost data incurred while using the borrowed laptop.
_____ I understand that the replacement fee for lost laptops is up to $1200.00.
My signature certifies that I will abide by PUC’s Computer-Internet-Network Use Policy, and that I will not use the laptop for illegal or unethical activities. I further understand that I will be held responsible for all replacement/repair costs in the event of loss or damage. I agree to return the laptop and its peripherals on time, or incur a $20.00 per day fine.
Note: If fines accumulate up to $250 or more, your laptop borrowing privileges will be suspended until cleared by the circulation supervisor.
___________________________________________ _____________________ ________________________
Print Name PUC ID# Cell Phone #
____________________________________________________________ _____________________________
Signature Date